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2018 reset...I want a do over!

Ok, so I took a few months off...I fell back into daily routines with my family and next thing I knew, a year had passed!  While I don't recommend this for someone with a small business, I think I needed it.  I needed to take a step back, dive into the needs of my family and really think about what was important to me, my business and everyone else in my life.  What I came up with isn't new, ground  breaking or earth shattering but was an epiphany for me.  I really want my blog readers and clients to know me.  I want all of you to feel like "we go way back".  I want you to know why I do what I do, and what inspires me to want to help others.  I want this blog to be a window into the real me...a place where anyone can go, read the posts and say "oh good, someone else is going through that" or "that post was exactly what I needed to read today".  I want this to be a source of inspiration, comfort, humor and most of all, a place from whi...

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