2018 reset...I want a do over!

Ok, so I took a few months off...I fell back into daily routines with my family and next thing I knew, a year had passed!  While I don't recommend this for someone with a small business, I think I needed it.  I needed to take a step back, dive into the needs of my family and really think about what was important to me, my business and everyone else in my life.  What I came up with isn't new, ground 

breaking or earth shattering but was an epiphany for me. 
I really want my blog readers and clients to know me.  I want all of you to feel like "we go way back".  I want you to know why I do what I do, and what inspires me to want to help others.  I want this blog to be a window into the real me...a place where anyone can go, read the posts and say "oh good, someone else is going through that" or "that post was exactly what I needed to read today". 
I want this to be a source of inspiration, comfort, humor and most of all, a place from which to cultivate ideas to create your best life!  You have infinite blog's to choose from, but I want this to be your daily "go to"!

Ok, so having said all of that, raise your hands if you browse Instagram, Pinterest, Tumblr daily?  Ok, now raise your hand if you've said or thought "no home actually looks like that!"  Have you walked away from Pin surfing only to feel more stressed out or frustrated at your own home décor, meals, unmade bed...kids rooms!?  Me too!

Now, don't get me wrong, I have a daily habit of staring at web pages of all things beautiful...delighting in the expertly framed photos, well appointed furniture, perfect room designs and even indulging my creative wild child by pinning pics of boho chic rooms; but really, why do we feel the need to stare at other peoples Pins, posts, inspiration?  Is it because we feel unfulfilled in our own home, life, relationships?  (Whoa, getting deep here!)  Let's be real...a lot of the time, it is!  We want more, we want what we see, we crave beautifully organized, design worthy spaces to come home to daily!  Well...(drum roll) it's possible!  We can have exactly what we want and need our spaces to be!  What does it take?  One small change a day, one adjustment at a time. 

If you desire to start making some changes to your spaces, do it because you want to, not because you feel pressure to be perfect and have a "Pin" able, Instagram room.  Do not let social media be your springboard.  Do it because you want your home to work well for you.  Do it because you want or need to be more organized.  Do it because you deserve it, or your family deserves it.

Keep checking in with me, we will start this process together, one room at a time...we're starting a new journey together and I promise, you'll love your spaces when we are done!


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